Did you know there are some natural ways to boost your orgasm? if you love eating, here are 4 aphrodisiac foods to help you reach the best orgasm. Some are actually referred to as ”vegetable viagra.”
According to scientific reports, orgasms are about the blood circulation. Certain foods contain what it takes to ensure you a proper blood flow, and a better orgasm.
A research that targeted sexuality and foods, found that men who eat a lot of garlic are more appealing to women. Their secret? this aphrodisiac food has high levels of allicin, to improve blood flowto your sexual organs. Both women and men who admitted having some garlic before sex, reported that their orgasms were mutually better than the usual.
Dark Chocolate
Who said chocolate isn’t good for you? According to experts, dark chocolate can improve your mood, relieve cramps pain, and help you enjoy a better sex life. They argue that it has long been associated with stimulating arousal in women, and simulate physical contact desires. In other words, chocolate makes you extra horny and sensual, go have some!
Oranges are a primary source of vitamin C. It is medically known that it regulates the blood flow in your body. Therefore, a few oranges before hitting the bedroom may help you reach your climax. Oranges, as they contain a lot of water, will provide natural lubrication for even more fun.
Red Wine
We are well aware that wine is not technically food, but we know that alcohol in general raises our horniness 100%. In fact, red wine especially has some benefits on your well-being, physically and sexually speaking.
In addition, a study revealed in 2009 that women who had a glass of red wine a day had higher rates of desire, lubrication, and blood flow.
Photos: Pixabay
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