Sex appeal is really important when it comes to getting laid. Furthermore, many people believe that having sex appeal implies good-looks. However, psychological research argues otherwise. In fact, there are several personality traits that can make you irresistible. So, without further ado, here are few tips to boost your sex appeal. (No plastic surgery needed.)
Play Mysterious
Everybody likes a little mystery! Especially when meeting someone for the first time (aka a first date). Yet, even if your plan is just to have a one night stand with someone, be the nice stranger in someone’s story. The study discusses how familiarity can have an exposure effect. Moreover, even if it’s not in your nature, you can always practice playing mysterious to boost your sex appeal.
Humor Is Sexy
One other way to compensate big for not necessarily being charming, is by being funny. Making another person laugh is literally the key to their heart. In addition, people tend to remember laughing with you as a first impression. So if you want someone to be attracted to you, use humor, it’s sexy!
Open Up
One thing is being mysterious, and a different thing not opening up. If you want to boost your sex appeal, then you need to let people ”see through you.” That being said, open up in terms of revealing what you like, your dreams, your experiences etc… But be careful from overdoing it though. Sorry, but no one wants to hear about your past-trauma and ex on the first date.
What makes openness sexy? ”The posture may signal dominance but also a willingness to share resources. It may also be associated with confidence, which is considered an essential aspect of sex appeal by both men and women.”
Be Blunt
Don’t confuse blunt for rude, though. You can still be sympathetic and say what’s on my mind. If for you it’s just a ”Tinder date” say it! If you are looking to be emotionally involved, say it! Want to just hook up, say it! In fact, being blunt and honest gives you more sex appeal than you can imagine.
Photos: Freepik.
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